Keep Flying

We talked with Henry Menzel, guitarist and vocalist of Keep Flying, formerly of Survey Says! and proud supporter of Pokemon Go's Team Instinct. "The true underdogs of Pokemon Go," he said excitedly. 

Crowdsurf Central: How did Survey Says! end and Keep Flying form?

Keep Flying: Life in Survay Says! started becoming more and more difficult. I found it very hard to keep us all happy and satisfied with what we were doing. Even the successes were overshadowed by too much negativity amongst each other and the "scene", for lack of a better term. It was taking alot out me and hardening my heart to continue the way things were going. D.Jay and I thought it best to put Survay Says! to rest and begin anew. It was a decision not made lightly. I fought it alot, bounced back and forth as to whether I really wanted to do it. Now that we've made the change in our lives, we both feel much better about the prospect of continuing to tour and be musicians. I'm excited again. I feel alive again. It's wonderful.

Crowdsurf Central: Who are some of your musical influences? 

Keep Flying: The chief influences are high energy pop punk a la New Found Glory, Set Your Goals, The Wonder Years and like. Having a horn section is coming from our yearn to bring something new to the table where pop punk is concerned and because of each our histories in ska punk. While we are not a ska band, its clear that our checkered past (hah) is ingrained into our newest material.

Crowdsurf Central: What was the writing process like?

Keep Flying: Writing our songs comes in steps. The initial concept comes from either me or D.Jay and we build the skeleton of the structure together. Then we bring the rest of the band in to fill in the gaps that we couldn't think of ourselves. The coolest parts usually develop once we've jammed out the song together for a while. I try to make the process as organic as possible; let ideas come to us instead of forcing the issue.

Crowdsurf Central: You're heading out on tour soon, what are you looking to most?

Keep Flying: The greatest form of validation i have is when i get to play for people. I never feel more whole then when i get to travel and play shows. I've missed that feeling while building Keep Flying. I look forward to all of it. Success, failure, challenges, everything.

Crowdsurf Central: You will be playing at the Four Chord Music Festival 3 in November. What are you looking forward to with that?

Keep Flying: Four Chord is a special event; a truly DIY punk rock music festival brought to the world by a good friend of mine; Rishi Bahl of Eternal Boy. Im mostly looking forward to working with him on it. Last year was amazing. I expect nothing less from this year and I'm honored to be a part of it.

Crowdsurf Central: What's the best part of being in a band?

Keep Flying: The money. It's amazing to have so little money all the time.
I tease. The best part is when the music truly connects with someone. I have a hard time feeling like I'm part of the world. My best way of feeling like I'm part of the human world is by playing music. I buck the world a lot of the time but truth is I need it and want to be a part of it. Playing music is my way in.


Crowdsurf Central: What's next for Keep Flying?

Keep Flying: I don't know. And that's what makes it so exciting.

You can listen to Keep Flying's EP 'Follow Your Nightmare' here.