Coheed and Cambria have been a huge name in the music scene for years now after releasing their first album "The Second Stage Turbine Blade" in 2002. Many of the songs on that album were based off a series of science fiction comics written by lead guitarist and vocalist Claudio Sanchez. The Amory Wars played a strong influence in many of the band's albums over the next fourteen years, until their most recent album "The Color Before the Sun" came out in October of 2015. When asked about the decision to distance the new album from The Amory Wars Travis Stever (guitar, lap steel guitar, backing vocals) said, "It was a decision that Claudio made. The song subjects were so personal and to the point that he felt most comfortable letting it sit outside the concept." Travis continued on saying, "Every Coheed song has the personal side to it so it wasn't hard to step outside the concept for this record. Same as for the rest of the band musically; the concept never really dictates the music. Songs always come first." Travis says Sentry the Defiant, off the band's 2013 album "The Afterman: Descension" personifies the group as a whole and "It's super fun to play live."
The new album has the classic Coheed feel to it, but at the same time sounds entirely different. When asked about this Travis said he's very appreciative of the support and that "Every Coheed record is super different than the last," saying, "it's just how we evolve."
The band is gearing up for a US tour that will stop at the House of Blues in Boston on February 22. Travis says some essential things he brings on tour with him are a toothbrush, headphones, his phone, an extra pillow and lots of stuff to read, laughing saying "I am getting old and boring." You can buy tickets for their show by clicking here.