Save The Lost Boys
Available July 15
Spoiler alert, this album is amazing. "It's a big story," bassist Josh Hall said when speaking about the album. "At the time Lee and I were having issuse with relationships and we wrote from every facet of what we were feeling," something made very apparent in Bad Names.
Temptress embodies everything that pop-punk was and continues to be. Drawing heavily from bands like blink-182 and New Found Glory, the guys in Save The Lost Boys have banded together to give us one of the best albums of the year. Their charisma shines throughout the album which can be enjoyed front to back.
Vocalist/guitarist Lee Weiss has a very open and energetic personality that also makes the band very enjoyable to see live. We would not be surprised that down the road STLB gains the same fame as newer pop-punk acts like State Champs and Neck Deep.
Listen to: Bad Names, DAY > FLL